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By entering this website, you agree that you are choosing to receive the information on this website. You understand and accept responsibility for your own actions, thus releasing the website owner, the website builder software, its staff, affiliates, booking agent and advertisers from all legal liability. These web pages are not intended to be viewed by minors. NO sexual activities are implied or condoned by the creator(s) of this web site nor the booking agent itself. This site does not promote prostitution nor is this advertisement or any content therein an offer for prostitution, The Garden of Eden is first and foremost an INTRODUCTION agency. Money exchanged is for COMPANIONSHIP and TIME only and anything beyond that is a choice made between two consenting adults and not contracted for by the site, its creator(s) nor the booking  agent. Models represented do so of their own free will, advertise on an independent capacity and acknowledge that The Garden of Eden serves only as a platform to promote their services for companionship and time.

Under no circumstances does the website owner, the website builder software, its staff,affiliates and booking agent consent to or has knowledge of any illegal activity committed by anyone associated with this website nor do they accept any liability or responsibility for any illegal activities nor any incidents,accidents, injuries or fatalities incurred resulting from the services advertised on this platform and website.
Open Adult Directory  Escorts
SelectAnEscort - Sex worker directory
The Garden of Eden
Open Adult Directory  Escorts
SelectAnEscort - Sex worker directory